nerved at the back, the nerve forked at a distance from
the base: lower petals narrower, two-nerved from the
unguis, the nerves branched. Filaments 10, connected
at the base, 7 bearing anthers, which, in our specimens,
were all sterile. Style pale flesh-colour, very hairy
nearly all its length. Stigmas 5, dark purple, fimbriate,
spreading, revolute at the points.
This very handsome plant is of hybrid origin, and
was raised at the Nursery of Mr. Dennis, from a seed of
P. congestum, that had been fertilized by the pollen of
one of the bright scarlet sorts; it is of strong upright
growth, an abundant bloomer, and its close umbels of
crimson flowers give it a grand appearance, when a large
plant of it is covered with bloom : it thrives well in a
light rich soil, or a mixture of turfy loam, peat, and sand
will suit it as well as any thing, giving it but little water
in Winter, but plenty when in a free growing state;
young cuttings root readily, planted in pots in the same
sort of soil, and placed on a shelf in the greenhouse.
Our drawing was made from a plant sent us from the
Nursery of Mr. Dennis, last Summer.