Neat-flowered Stork’s-hill.
P. decorum, foliis subcordatis subtrifidis rigidis argute ser-
rulatis subtus et margine glanduloso-pilosis apice re-
flexis: segmentis acute lobatis, stipulis ovato-lanceo-
latis acuminatis subdentatis, umbellis 2-3-floris, petalis
omnibus obovatis, tubo nectarifero calyce subsequali.
Pelargonium decorum. Swt. in Coin, catal. p. 22. col. 2. edit. 3. p. 28. col. 3. Swt. hort. Irit.p. 81. n. 236.
Stem frutescent, much branched, forming a handsome
compact bushy plant: branches a little spreading or ascending,
thickly clothed with short hairs; when young the hairs
are stiff and succulent, more of the nature of glands, and
appearing like glass or ice; the same sort of hairs are plentiful
on the backs and margins of the leaves, and particularly
on the nerves, also on the peduncles, pedicles, and
calyx, which causes quite a glittering appearance. Leaves
slightly cordate; rigid, deeply 3-lobed or trifid, acute, toothed
with shortish sharp teeth, the margins and underneath
the leaves clothed with short stiff transparent glass-like
hairs, points more or less reflexed, slightly Lemon-scented;
lower segments generally 2-lobed: terminal bed, the lobes short, lower ones longest. Petioles one 3 to 7-lo-
pules flattened on the upper side and convex on the lower. Sti
ovately lanceolate, taper-pointed, generally entire,
but sometimes toothed. Peduncles short, 2 or 3-flow'ered,
cylindrical. Involucre of four or five ovate or ovately lanceolate,
taper-pointed bractes, that are fringed with short
rigid transparent hairs. Pedicles short, tinged with purple. Calyx 5-cleft, segments broadly lanceolate, taper-pointed,