PELARGONIUM Atkingianum.
Mr. Atkins's Stork's-bill.
P. Atkinsianum, foliis cordatis 5-7-lobis acutis ingequali-
ter argute denticulatis margine crispato-undulatis
multinerviis, stipulis ovatis breve acumiuatis, um-
bellis 3-4-floris, sepalis acutissimis, tubo nectari-
fero calyce parum breviore, stylo undique piloso.
Stem frutescent, branching, of a glossy green, clothed
with short spreading hairs. Leaves cordate, acute,
flat, but crumpled a little at the edges, 5 to 7-lobed,
and toothed with numerous short sharp teeth, clothed
with short rigid hairs on the lower side, the upper
nearly smooth, many-nerved underneath, the nerves
rigid and much branched. Petioles slightly flattened on
the upper side, thickened and dilated a little at the
base. Stipules ovate, terminated in a short, sharp point,
thickly fringed at the margins. Umbels 3 to 4-flowered. Peduncles cylindrical, clothed with spreading hairs,
thickened a little at the base. Involucre of 6 or 7 ovate
and lanceolate, acute, fringed bractes. Pedicles a little
longer than the bractes, hairy. Calyx 5-cleft, the segments
lanceolate, very sharp-pointed, keeled a little
below the point, spreading or slightly reflexed, when
the flowers are expanded. Corolla of 5 petals, of a delicate
light blush, the two upper ones broadest, obovate,
a little unequal-sided towards the base, rounded at the
points, with a patch of bright dark purple in the centre,
below which are a few short lines: lower ones ob-
longly obovate, narrower, pale blush. Filaments 10,
connected at the base, 7 bearing anthers: pollen orange-
coloured.mas Style pale green, hairy all its length. Stig
5, pale red, the points recurved.