centre, edged round the upper side with a quicksilvery
appearance, below the spot are numerous dark lines,
more or less branched, between which down the centre
they are marked with w hite: lower petals of a lighter
colour, veined with rather darker veins. Filaments 10,
connected at the base, 7 bearing perfect anthers: pollen
of a dark orange colour. Style bright red, hairy more
than half its length. The upper part smooth. Stigmas
5, purple, reflexed or revolute at the points.
The present curious flowering plant is of hybrid
origin, and was raised from seed at the Nursery of
Mrs. More, of the King’s-road, Chelsea, where our
drawing was made this Spring. It appears to be intermediate
between one of the P. macranthon tribe and
one of the dark red sorts, as the habit and foliage partake
chiefly of the former, with the flowers of the latter,
the singular quicksilvery mark round the dark spot of
the upper petals, give the flowers a striking and singular
appearance ; the plant is of free growth, an abun-*
dant bloomer, and thrives well in any rich light soil ;
young cuttings, planted in pots in the same sort of soil,
and placed on a shelf in the Greenhouse, will soon
strikWe er oaorte. sorry to see that Mrs. More has sustained a
very severe loss by the fire, from the manufactory adjoining,
which was lately consumed; many of her fine
new seedlings that had not yet flowered were destroyed,
besides numerous other plants in the open ground,
which were scorched up and spoiled, as well as the
whole of her frames and what they contained; we hope
the public will be liberal enough to subscribe towards
repairing her loss.