becoming lighter as they extend: lower petals obovately
oblong, of a lighter colour, strongly veined at the back. Filaments 10, united at the base, 7 bearing anthers : pollen
orange-coloured. Style dark purple, slightly hairy near
the base and smooth upwards. Stigmas 5, dark purple, reflexed
at the points.
This fine plant is also a hybrid production, and was
raised at the Nursery of Mr. Dennis, Grosvenor-row,
Chelsea, from a seed of P. ramigerum, that had been fertilized
by some other sort; it is of very strong growth,
forming a large, upright, stout-stemmed bush, and produces
a great number of flowers in a sort of panicle, and will most
probably continue to flower all the year round like its parent
; succeeding well in a rich light soil, or a mixture of light
sandy loam and peat will suit it very well. Cuttings strike
root readily, planted in pots in the same sort of soil, and
placed on a shelf in the Greenhouse.
Our drawing was made from a plant, at the Nursery of
Mr. Dennis, in May last.