Style purple, hairy at the base, the upper part smooth. Stigmas 5, dark purple, reflexed or revolute at the points.
Our drawing of the present very distinct and handsome
flowering plant, was taken from a specimen sent
us by Mr. F. Coaker, from his Nursery at Upway, near
Weymouth, who informs us that it was raised from seed
by Miss Jane Yeatman, of Dorchester, in compliment
to whom we have named i t ; the seed was procured from
a plant known by Gardeners, and in Mr. Davey’s priced
Catalogue, by the name of Maria Isabella, but what its
other parent was is not known. It is certainly a very
magnificent plant, when covered with its rich-coloured
flowers, which are so very different from most others;
this makes it the more desirable. Mr. Coaker informs
us that it is not a very early bloomer in Spring, but that
its flowers are produced in abundance all through the
Summer, and till late in Autumn, and makes a handsome
bushy plant; he is now selling fine plants of it at
one guinea each.
Sir R. C. Hoare, one of the first cultivators of Gera-
niacese, informs us, that he has procured a plant of it,
and considers it the best in his collection; it succeeds
well in any rich light soil, or a mixture of light turfy
loam and peat will suit it well; it may also be considered
as one of the hardy sorts, requiring nothing but
the protection from frost in Winter, at which season it
should not be overwatered. Young cuttings, planted in
pots, and placed on a shelf in the Greenhouse, will
strike root readily.