Knotted-stalked Stork's-bill.
P . nodosum, caule carnoso flexuoso nodoso, foliis divisis
glabriusculis subpilosis : inferioribus pinnatifidis la-
ciniatisque; superioribus pinnatis; segmentis pinna-
tifido-laciniatis • subdentatis, scapo villoso elongato
ramoso, umbellis multifloris, petalis reflexis, tubo
nectarifero calyce 2-3-plo longiore, stylo hirsuto.
Stem rather short, frutescent, succulent, flexuose,
knotted from whence the leaves proceed, clothed with
a brown scaly bark ; the flower-stem swollen at the
base, elongated, branching into numerous peduncles,
leafy below, but naked upwards, thickly clothed with
spreading villous hairs, which are in the greatest quantity
on the lower part. Leaves variable, of a pale green,
inclining to glaucous, more or less divided, spreading,
of a smooth appearance, but clothed with short hairs on
both sides; lower ones pinnatifid, or more orless jagged;
the segments broader, and less divided than the upper
ones: upper ones pinnate; the segments pinnatifid or
deeply jagged, generally linear, blunt-pointed, entire,
or toothed with small teeth, the nerves underneath clothed
with spreading hairs. Petioles long and rather slender,
nearly cylindrical, thickened at the base, more or less
clothed with long spreading hairs; the rachis between
the leaflets slightly winged. Stipules short, very broad
at the base, but terminated in rather an acute point,
turning brown, and remaining a long time persistent. Peduncles long, cylindrical, very much thickened at the
base, clothed with long spreading villous hairs. Umbels
many-flowered, the flowers spreading, generally nodding.
Involucre of numerous lanceolate, bluntish, fringed
bractes. Pedicles about the length of the bractes, clothed
with a short pubescence. Calyx 5-cleft; upper segment