PELARGONIUM Cuinmingise.
Lady Gordon Cumminfs Stork’s-bilL
P. Cummingiee, foliis cordatis acutis 5-7-lobis undulatis
cucullatis rigidis cartilagineo-dentatis utrinque hir-
sutis, stipulis lanceolatis longe acuminatis subden-
tatis ciliatis, umbellis plurifloris, petalis superiori-
bus apice recurvis, tubo nectarifero quali. calyce subse-
Stem erect, frutescent, thickly clothed with spreading
unequal villous hairs, as are the petioles, peduncles,
calyx, and nectariferous tube. Leaves cordate, acute’
straight, hollow on the upper side, 5 to 7-lobed, very
much undulate, rigid, toothed with numerous unequal
horny-pointed teeth, clothed with short hairs on both
sides, the margins fringed, underneath strongly 3-nerved
taiot ltehse base, the nerves branching all over the leaf. Pe
flattened, and slightly furrowed on the upper side
dilated a little at the base, and convex underneath’ Stipules narrowly lanceolate, with a long taper point
generally toothed, villous and fringed. Umbels several-
flowered. Peduncles cylindrical, swollen at the base Involucre of several lanceolate taper-pointed villous brac-
tes. Pedicles generally longer than the bractes. Calyx
5-cleft; the segments lanceolate, acute; upper one broadest,
erect, keeled, the others a little reflexed at the
points. Nectariferous tube about the length of the calyx
much flattened at each side and gibbous at the base! Corolla of 5 petals; the two upper ones broadly obovate
unequal sided, slightly crenulate, the points a little reflexed,
of a bright rose-colour, with a handsome dark
brownish-purple patch in the centre, below which are
a few dark purple stripes, a little branched: lower