centre, and numerous dark purple lines, that branch a
great way over the petals, and are lightest towards the
outside : lower ones of a paler colour, marked with two
or three red veins from the base. Filaments 10, connected
at the base, 7 bearing anthers: pollen dark
orange- coloured* Style smooth, or with a very tew
scattered hairs towards the base, bright purple. Stigmas
5, dark purple, spreading, reflexed at the points.
The present plant is a hybrid production, and is
related to the same tribe as P. cucullatum, from which,
with the intermixture of some others of the large growing
sorts, it is most probable that its origin was derived
: the chief value of it consists in its strong growth,
and the abundance of its large flowers, which will make
it desirable for placing in rooms, and windows, to make
a great show, for which it will doubtless be in much
demand; it is a very hardy free growing sort, and will
thrive well in any rich light soil; cuttings, planted m
pots, or under hand-glasses, or frames, will root readilyO.
ur drawing was made from a plant sent us etrom
the collection of Messrs. Colley and Hill, at Hammersmith,
last Summer.