CAMPYLIA laciniata.
Jagged-leaved Campylia.
laciniata, caule suffruticoso, folns laciniatis pubescentibus: segmentis oinvcaitsiso -sduebnttnaptiasr tisttiis-
pulis ovatis acuminatis ciliatis, pedunculis subtrifloris,
sunerioribus rotundo-obovatis venosis, tubo nec-
Stem suffruticose, ascending, branched : branches short
and stout, thickly clothed with soft downy hairs. Leaves
variable, generally three-parted, ovate, deeply cut and jagged,
attenuated towards the base, densely clothed with short
hairs on both sides, of a palish green colour; upper segment
much the largest, ovate, deeply cut and jagged, and
toothed with sharpish unequal teeth,'that are slightly callou
at the point: lower segments narrow, oblongly h ^ more
or less cut and toothed, divaricately spreading. Petioles
slightly flattened on the upper side and rounded on the lower,
thickly clothed with unequal white hairs. Stipules^ ovate,
taper-pointed, fringed, and attached to the base o fth ej -
stitdeemss, wslheenrdee trh, eyle abfeyc,o mdiev maroicraet eolry l essps rpeading. Pefdaucniceless two or three-flowered, thickly clothed with spreading unequal
white hairs. Involucre of 6 ovately-lanceolate, acute brac-
tes that are densely hairy, fringed, and bearded at the points. Pedicles long, cylindrical, purplish, dothed with spreading
white hairs and short down intermixed. Calyx 5-cleft,
segments oblong, bluntish, very hairy, longitudinally veined
the upper one broadest. Nectariferous tube scarcely so
long as the calyx, flattened and keeled at the sides, running
gradually into the pedicle, pale purple. Petals 5 ; the two
upper ones much the broadest, roundly obovate, tapering to