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PELARGONIUM multiradiatum.
Many-rayed Stork’ s-bill.
P. multiradiatum, subcaulescens, umbellis 20-30-flo-
risve, foliis inferioribus pinnatis hirsutis ; foliolis
pinnatifidis ; segmentis oblongis obtusis inciso-den-
tatis: superioribus decompositis glabriusculis; segmentis
lanceolatis obtusis integerrimis incisisve,
floribus pentandris.
Pelargonium multiradiatum. Spreng. Nov. prov. hort.
ac. Hal. et Ber. Wendl. coll, cum icone. Dietr.
Nachtr. 6. 61. Link enum. 2. p. 191.
Sub caulescent. Root tuberous, very large, brown
and scaly. Stem short. Leaves very large, variable ;
lower ones pinnate, very hairy; leaflets pinnatifid; segments
oblong, obtuse, deeply incised and toothed with
blunt rounded teeth : stem-leaves decompound with revolute
points, branching to a great distance, nerves
very hairy, leaflets very variable, some lanceolate and
entire or slightly toothed, others bifid, pinnatifid, or
deeply divided; segments falcate, blunt and smoothish,
inclining to glaucous; leaf on the Jlower-stalk smaller
and pinnate, with long white hairs scattered on the
midrib; leaflets pinnatifid, segments falcate, lanceolate,
obtuse, entire or deeply toothed with revolute
points. Petioles nearly cylindrical, not strong enough
to support the leaf without assistance, thickly clothed
with long white villous hairs. Stipules kidney-shaped
or widely cordate, soon withering, and turning brown
and membranaceous. Flower-stalk proceeding from
the crown of the plant, in our specimen above a foot
and half high, glaucous, and thickly covered with long
villous hairs. Peduncles 3, glaucous, all springing