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HOAREA radicata.
Fleshy fringed-leaved Hoarea.
H. radicata, umbella simplici, foliis oblongo-ellipticis
integerrimis ciliajtis, petalis retusis superioribus
basi macula duplici interrupte lineari notatis, tubo
nectarifero calyce quadruplo longiori.
Pelargonium radicatum. Vent. Hart. Malm. 65. Hort.
Kew. ed. 2. v. 4. p. 160. Botan. magaz. 1718.
Pelargonium concavifolium. Pers. syn. 2. p. 226.
Geranium ciliatum. Andrews's reposit. 247.
Root tuberous. Stem none. Leaves oblong or elliptic,
uoncave when young, but afterwards becoming-
convex and revolute, smooth or slightly pubescent,
entire; margins fringed. Petioles shorter than the
leaves, flat on the upper side and convex below, fringed.
Stipules joined to the base of the petioles, sub-
ulately linear, with fringed membranaceous margins.
Flower-stem about an inch high, then crowned with
leaves and producing several umbels of flowers. Peduncle
cylindrical, densely clothed with soft unequal
hairs. Umbels many-flowered. Involucre of numerous
subulately-linear fringed bractes. Pedicles about the
length of the bractes, densely pubescent. Calyx 5-
cleft, segments lanceolate; the upper one largest,
erect; the others reflexed. Nectariferous tube about
four times the length of the calyx, slightly flattened,
thickly clothed with short soft hairs. Petals 5, spatu-
lately ligulate, retuse, of a cream colour, the upper
ones spotted near the base with two irregular lines of
linear red spots. Filaments 10, connected into a tube,
five only bearing anthers; sterile ones erect and sub-
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