Lord James Murray’s Stork’s-bill.
P. Murrayanum,, umbellis multifloris, foliis cordatis 5-
lobis undulatis inæqualiter denticulatis basi dila-
tatis, stipulis cordatis acutis ciliatis, floribus pedi-
cellatis ; petalis superioribus oblongo-obcordatis.
Pelargonium Murrayanum. Hortulanorum.
Stem tall, erect, branching; branches erect, thickly
clothed with long villous hairs, as are the petioles, peduncles,
and calyx. Leaves large, cordate, very broad
at the base, 5-lobed, undulate, unequally toothed with
small bluntish teeth, fringed, and hairy on both sides.
Petioles flattened and furrowed on the upper side and
convex on the lower, a little widened at the base.
Stipules cordate, sharp-pointed, fringed, often toothed.
Peduncles cylindrical, many-flowered. Involucre of
several ovate, keeled, acute, villous bractes. Pedicles
about the length of the bractes, villous. Calyx 5-cleft,
segments oblongly lanceolate, bluntish. Nectariferous
tube unequal in length, villous. Petals 5, the two
upper ones oblongly obcordate, of a bright blush or
lilac, marked in the centre with a dark purple spot,
which joins several purple lines from the base, that
branch in various directions; lower petals oblong, or
broadly ligulate, of rather a paler colour. Filaments
10, united at the base, seven bearing anthers. Pollen
orange-coloured. Style flesh-coloured, slightly hairy
at the base and smooth upwards. Stigmas 5, reflexed.
We first received this plant from Messrs. Brown
and Co. of Slough, under the name that we have
adopted. At the time that we published P. eximium