HOAREA ovalifolia.
Oval-leaved Hoarea.
H. ovalifolia, umbellis simplicibus compositisve, foliis
ovalibus obtusis planis aut margine involutis inte-
gerrimis hirsutis, petalis linearibus undulatis tortis.
Root tuberous. Stem none. Leaves growing in a
radiate form, widely oval, obtuse, entire, thickly covered
and fringed with long white hairs, strongly
nerved underneath; some quite flat, others involute.
Petioles longer than the leaf, thickly clothed with
white unequal hairs. Stipules membranaceous, attached
to the base of the petioles, and terminating in a subulate
point. Scapes cylindrical, very hairy, either simple
or sometimes divided, with leafy bractes at the base of
the peduncles. Umbels many-flowered. Peduncles cylindrical,
thickly clothed with white unequal hairs, as
are the calyx and nectariferous tube. Involucre of several
subulately linear fringed bractes. Calyx 5-cleft,
upper segment lanceolate, concave, erect, the others
linear and reflected, wi|h membranaceous margins.
Nectariferous tube sessile, slightly flattened on each
side. Petals 5, linear, much waved, generally twisted,
white, 2 upper ones rather widest with a pale pink line
near the base of each. Filaments 10, united into a
tube, 5 of nearly the same length, and all bearing art-
thers ; barren filaments curved inwards like the others
of this section. Germen and aristae hairy. Style hairy,
purple. Stigmas 5, very slender, red and reflexed.
This plant has a near affinity with Geranium undu-
latum of Andrews’s Botanist’s Repository, n. 292; but
that is figured and described with lanceolate leaves,
and if the dissections at the bottom of his figure be
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