/4 § U 3
CICONIUM reticulatum.
Netted-veined Ciconium.
C. reticulatum, umbellis multifloris, foliis cordato-reni-
formibus obsolete quinquelobis crenatis zonatis
reticulato-venosis, stipulis cordatis, petalis cunea-
tis, tribus inferioribus duplo majoribus.
Stem shrubby, branching a little; branches spreading,
thickly clothed with unequal villous hairs. Leaves
cordately reniform, obsoletely 5-lobed, crenate, strongly
marked with a zone, particularly on the young leaves,
reticulately veined with pale yellow veins and thickly
clothed on both sides with soft villous hairs. Petioles
flattened and furrowed on the upper side and convex
on the lower, a little swollen at the base, thickly covered
with soft villous hairs, as are the peduncles,
calyx, and nectariferous tube. Stipules widely cordate,
acute, reticulately veined like the leaves, margins
fringed. Peduncles very long, axillary, or opposite to
the leaf, bearing a many-flowered umbel. Involucre of
numerous unequal bractes, some widely cordate, others
ovate or lanceolate, acute, fringed. Calyx 5-cleft, segments
widely lanceolate, acute, the upper one erect, the
others reflexed. Nectariferous tube nearly three times
as long as the calyx, flattened on each side and swollen
at the base, nearly sessile. Petals 5, cuneate, of a
bright orangy scarlet, the three lower ones double the
size of the upper ones, distinct at the base and widely
spreading, upper ones imbricate at the base with
spreading points. Filaments 10, straight, united at
the base, 7 bearing anthers, the two upper ones very
short. Pollen orange-coloured. Style smooth, pale
red. Stigmas 5, reflexed.