Pollen bright yellow. Style of a paler colour, pubescent.
Stigmas 5, reflexed.
This is also a hybrid production, and was raised at
the Nursery of Mr. Colvill, from a seed of D. pinnata
that had been fertilized with the pollen of Hoarea co-
rydaliflora. It is as near as possible intermediate between
the two, but in habit approaches nearest to the
latter. Several plants were raised from seeds at the
same time, and scarcely vary in the least from each
other. They are of very free growth and flower abundantly,
and also ripen their seeds. Like the. other
tuberous-rooted kinds, they thrive best in an equal
mixture of turfy loam, peat, and sand, only requiring
water when growing freely. They may be readily increased
by the little tubers of the roots, planted with
their tops just above the surface : these requite no water
till the wound is callused over; they may then be
watered regularly, and will soon make fine young