GERANIUM eriostemon.
H a iry -stamen’d Crane's-bill. «. et (3.
G. eriostemon, pedunculis bifloris, foliis quinquelobis
utrinque pilosis scabris; segmentis late cuneato-
ovatis obtusis dentatis, stipulis lanceolatis acutis,
petalis integris calyce aristato paulo longioribus,
caule erecto villoso.
Geranium eriostemon. Fischer MSS.
<x. cceruleum.
(3. pallidum.
Root perennial. Stems erect, forked, thickly clothed
with unequal villous hairs, as are the petioles, peduncles,
and calyx. Leaves deeply 5-lobed, hairy on
both sides, very rough to the touch: segments broadly
wedge-shaped or ovate, unequally toothed with blunt-
ish teeth, much veined underneath. Petioles bent
slightly flattened on the upper side and rounded on the
lower, swollen at the base. Stipules lanceolate, fringed,
taper-pointed. Peduncles numerous, subpanicled, 2-
flowered. Involucre generally of six bractes: bractes
very short, lanceolate, acute, concave, fringed. Pedicles
longer than the calyx, villous. Sepals 5, ob-
long, concave, with fringed membranaceous margins
and terminated with a blunt fringed arista. Petals 5
longer than the calyx, nearly orbicular, rugose, in var.
ot. of a bright blue, in (3. of a pale blue, lightest round
the edges. Filaments 10, connected at the base, of a
dark purple, thickly clothed about half way up with
long white hairs, and all bearing perfect anthers. Ger-
men clothed with long white hairs: aristce hairy. Style
smooth. Stigmas 5, blunt, reflexed,
von. ii. c c