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PELARGONIUM paucidentatum.
Distant-toothed Stork's-bill.
P. ■paucidentatum,, pedunculis subquadrifloris, foliis cor-
datis subtrilobis undulatis glabriusculis obsolete
dentatis ciliatis, stipulis lato-cordatis acutis, tubo
nectarifero calyce multurn breviori.
. Stem shrubby, flexuose, branching; branches spread-
mg, flexuose, thickly clothed with long white villous
hairs. Leaves broader than long, cordate, slightly
3- lobed, undulate, smoothish, ciliate, and toothed with
small unequal distant teeth; points a little recurved.
Petioles flattened and furrowed on the upper side and
convex on the lower, thickly covered with long villous
hairs, as are the peduncles and calyx. Stipules broadly
cordate, acute, entire, ciliate. Peduncles generally
4- flowered. Involucre of about six unequal, concave,
pointed bractes, some of them obovate, others ovate
or lanceolate. Pedicles villous, double the length of
the nectariferous tube. Calyx 5-cleft, segments broadly
lanceolate, concave, spreading. Nectariferous tube unequal
in length, sometimes nearly as long, at other
times not half the length of the calyx. Petals 5, the
two upper ones broadly obovate, of a bright lilac,
tinged with rose in the centre, on which is a large dark
velvetty mark, and from it branch several purple lines
in diffeient directions: lower petals oblong'ly ovate, of
a paler colour. Filaments 10, united at the base, seven
bearing anthers. Style purple, hairy at the base and
smooth upwards. Stigmas 5, reflexed or revolute.
The plant from which our drawing was taken, was
kindly communicated to us, with two others, from the
collection of C. Hoare, Esq. of Lu „ O scoinbe, near Exetery Z