CICONIUM cerinum.
Wax-flowered Ciconium.
C. cerinum, umbellis multifloris, foliis rotundato-reni-
formibus obsolete crenulatis nervosis pubescentibus
mollissimis, stipulis cordatis subdentatis, caule
erecto, petalis obovatis superioribus minoribus,
tubo nectarifero calyce duplo longiori.
Pelargonium cerinum. Colv. catal. p. 22. col. 3.
Ciconium cerinum. Colv. catal. ed. 2. p. 21. col. 1.
Stem erect, shrubby, not much branched; branches
erect, thickly clothed with short soft villous hairs.
Leaves roundly reniform, scarcely undulate, slightly
crenulate, strongly nerved, thickly covered on both
sides with a thick soft pubescence, which gives
them a soft velvetty feel. Petioles flattened and furrowed
on the upper side and convex on the lower, a
little widened at the base, very thickly clothed with
short soft villous hairs, as are the peduncles and nectariferous
tube. Stipules very large, cordate, acute,
sometimes toothed, pubescent. Peduncles solitary, cylindrical,
a little swollen at the base. Umbels many-
flowered. Involucre of numerous, unequal, concave
bractes, some cordate, others lanceolate, acute, thickly
clothed with long villous hairs, as are the segments of
the calyx. Pedicles very short, about half the length
of the bractes. Calyx 5-cleft, segments lanceolate,
concave, fringed. Nectariferous tube more than double
the length of the calyx, flattened and furrowed on
each side. Petals 5, obovate, of a bright pink, having
a waxy appearance, the two uppermost smallest. Filaments
10, short and erect, united at the base, some