Perfumed Stork's-bill.
P. Cosmianum, pedunculis subbifloris, foliis subdistichis
5-7 lobatisve undulato-plicatis rigidis dentatis, pilosis,
stipulis cordatis, tubo nectarifero calyce pa-
rum longiori.
Stem shrubby, branching; branches slender, spreading
in various directions, thickly clothed with soft
villous hairs. Leaves small, distant, generally 2-rank-
ed, narrowing at the base, deeply lobed with 5 or 7
undulate or plaited lobes, rigid, hairy on both sides:
lobes sharply toothed, folded inwards, spreading. Petioles
slender, very hairy. Stipules cordate, acute,
sometimes toothed. Peduncles hairy, generally two-
flowered. Involucre of several small ovate or lanceolate
keeled pointed bractes. Pedicles about the length
of the nectariferous tube. Calyx 5-cleft., segments
lanceolate, taper-pointed. Nectariferous tube scarcely
longer than the calyx, flattened and furrowed on each
side. Petals 5 ; upper ones white, with a dark spot in
the centre on a red ground, slightly branched; lower
ones ligulate, white tinged with blush. Filaments 10,
united at the base, seven bearing anthers. Style hairy.
Stigmas 5, reflexed.
For the opportunity of giving a figure of this pretty
little plant, we are indebted to Sir R. C. Hoare, who
sent us fine specimens of it in full bloom. It is one of
the handsomest of the perfumed small-leaved sorts;
and, besides its elegance of growth and neat little
flowers, it possesses an agreeable fragrance, and, when
passed through the hand, it leaves a strong aromatic
scent, which may be compared to a mixture of spice