Mrs. Beadon’s Stork’s-bill.
P. Beadoniw, pedunculis subtrifloris, foliis cuneatis profunde
trilobis crenatis pubescentibus : lobis obtusis
intermedio elongato subtrilobo, caule ramoso, ca-
lycibus reflexis longitudine tubi nectariferi.
Pelargonium Beadonise. Hoare geran. p. 26. Colv.
catal. ed. 2.: p. 23. col. 2.
Stem shrubby, upright, much branched; b'anches
short and stiff, thickly clothed with very short unequal
downy hairs. Leaves cuneate, deeply 3-lobed, crenate,
obtuse, opaque, covered on both sides with very short
hairs, prominently nerved underneath; side lobes
small; middle one large, elongated, and often 3-lobed.
Petioles scarcely as long as the leaves, slender, flattened
and furrowed on the upper side and convex on
the lower. Stipules cordately lanceolate, acute. Peduncles
longer than the leaves, two to three-flowered.
Involucre of about six unequal bractes, some ovate,
others lanceolate, acute, keeled. Pedicles about the
length of the nectariferous tube. Calyx 5-cleft;
segments lanceolate, acute, reflexed, of a dark reddish
brown colour, and thickly clothed with long villous
hairs. Nectariferous tube about the length of the calyx,
flattened on each side and thickened at the base,
of the same colour as the calyx. Petals 5, the two upper
ones ovate, of a bright reddish lilac, slightly marked
at the base with purple stripes which branch a little ;
lower petals oblong, obtuse, bright lilac. Filaments
1.0, united at the base, seven bearing anthers. Pollen
orange-coloured. Style red, very hairy at the base and
smooth upwards. Stigmas 5, red, spreading.