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Robinson’s Stork’s-bill.
P. RoMnsmi, umbellis multifloris, foliis cordatis acutis
uüdulatis obsolete lobatis cartilagineo - dentatis
utrinqüë pubescentibus, stipulis curieatis insequa-
litèr dentatis cuspidatis, tubo nectarifero calyGem
Pelargonium Robinsoni. Dennis MSS.
_ Stem shrubby, erect, not much branched ; branches
thickly clothed with long villous hairs, as are the pedicles,
stipules, peduncles, and calyx. Leaves very
large, lower ones about 4 or 5 inches long and the
same in breadth, cordate, acute, very much undulate,
slightly lobed, and toothed with unequal rigid teeth,
densely clothed on each side with a soft pubescence,
strongly nerved underneath, the nerves branching in
all directions: upper leaves cuneate at the base
scarcely lobed. Petioles rigid, channelled on the upper
side and convex on the lower, widened at the base
and point. Stipules large, wedge-shaped, fringed,
deeply but unequally toothed, with sharp points. Peduncles
cylindrical, bearing umbels of many flowers.
Involucre of 6 or 7 bractes, which are ovate, concave,
and acute. Pedicles about the length of the
nectariferous tube. Calyx 5-cleft, segments lanceolate,
taper-pointed. Nectariferous tube about the length of
the calyx, sometimes scarcely as long, flattened on
each side and gibbous at the base. Petals 5, of a pale
blush, the two upper ones broadly ovate, oblique at
the base, with a dark purple spot in the centre, and
from the base branch numerous dark lines; lower petals
oblongly oval with rounded points. Filaments 10
o 2