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HOAREA selinifolia.
Milk-parsley leaved Hoarea.
H. selinifolia, acaulis, umbella composita, foliis pinna-
tis pilosis; foliolis pinnatifidis incisisve ; segmentis
oblongo-lanceojatis subdentatis obtusiusculis, ca-
lycibus reflexis, petalis superioribus refractis infe-
rioribus patentibus.
Root tuberous, branching out into numerous other
smaller tubers. Stem none. Leaves pinnate, very
hairy, of a light green colour: leaflets pinnatifid or
deeply incised: segments oblong or lanceolate, entire
or sometimes toothed, bluntish. Petioles slightly flattened
on the upper side and rounded on the lower
widened at the base, thickly clothed with white unequal
hairs, as are the peduncles and calyx. Stipules
subulately linear, joined to the base of the petioles.
Scape branching. Peduncles long and slender, cylindrical,
bearing umbels of many flowers. Involucre of
numerous subulate fringed bractes. Calyx 5-cleft
segments all reflexed. Nectariferous tube about twice
the length of the calyx, slightly flattened on each side.
Petals 5, ligulate, of a dark purple colour, with a few
linear spots at the base, the two upper ones reflexed.
Filaments 10, united into a tube, five only bearing anthers,
fertile ones nearly equal in length, about the
length of the lower petals, sterile ones short, erect
and subulate. Pollen orange-coloured. Style pale red*
hairy at the base and smooth upwards. Stivmas 5
This neat little plant is a mule production, and was
raised at the Nursery of Mr. Colvill, from a seed of H.
melanantha that had been fertilized with the pollen of