Pendulous-branched JenJcinsonia.
3. pendula, pedunculis subquinquefloris, foliis bipinna-
tmdo-laciniatis hirtis: segmentis lanceolatis obtusis
apice dentatis, caule procumbente birto, floribus
heptandris; corollis tetrapetalis, tubo nectarifero
carinato calyce parum longiori.
Geranium lacerum. Andrews's geran. c. ic. nec aliorum.
Stem shrubby, much branched; branches pendulous,
spreading all round to a great distance if not
supported, thickly clothed with unequal rigid hairs
Leaves bipinnatifid or deeply laciniated, hairy on both
sides; segments broadly lanceolate, obtuse and toothed
at the points. Petioles unequal in length, flattened
and furrowed on the upper side and convex on the
lower, very hairy. Stipules widely cordate, generally
entire, many-nerved. Peduncles ascending, mostly 5-
flowered, clothed with short pellucid hairs. Involucre
of six lanceolate concave acute bractes. Pedicles very
short. Calyx 5-cleft; segments unequal, spreading, with
membranaceous margins; the upper one largest, lanceolate,
strongly 3-nerved; the others linear and taper-
pomted, from one to 3-nerved. Nectariferous tube
nearly sessile, a little longer than the calyx, sharplv
keeled at the back, thickly clothed with stiff pellucid
hairs. Corolla of four petals, the two uppermost much
the largest, obovate, oblique, reflexed, with long ungues
at a distance from each other at the base, of a pale
pinkish purple, with two dark purple lines from the
base that are lightest upwards and slightly branched ;
lower petals linear, scarcely longer than the calyx’
or rather a paler colour. Filaments 10, ascendent’