ISOPETALUM Cotyledonis.
Hollyhock-leaved Isopetalum.
Isopetalum. Cal. 1-sepalus, 5-partitus: lacinia supre-
ma desinente in foveolum nectariferura. Pet. 5
sequalia, rugosa. Stam. tubo brevissimo: 5-6 fer-
tilia patentia apice incurva; sterilia inaequalia
subulata incurva.
I. Cotyledonis, pedunculis proliferis: umbellis compo-
sitis, foliis cordatis peltatis rugosis pubescentibus
subtus tomentosis, caule crasso carnoso.
Pelargonium Cotyledonis. Willden. sp. pi. 3. p. 674.
L'Hdrit. geran. t. 27. Pers. syn. 2. p. 231. Hort.
Kew. ed. 2. v. 4. p. 175.
Geranium Cotyledonis. Andrews's geran. c. ic.
Stem succulent, very thick, shrubby, branching,
and clothed with brown scaly bark ; branches very
thick and covered with the bases of the subpersistent
stipules, which continue to scale off as the branches increase
in size. Leaves peltate, cordate, reticulately
veined, rugose, pubescent on the upper side, and on
the lower side thickly covered with a silvery tomentum.
Petioles slightly flattened on the upper side and convex
on the lower, very thickly clothed with unequal villous
white hairs, as are the peduncles, pedicles, and calyx.
Stipules cordately lanceolate, acute, fringed, and sub-
persistent. Peduncles proliferous, several springing
from below the main umbel. Umbels many-flowered.
Involucre of numerous unequal linear or subulate
bractes. Pedicles very slender, bent upwards. Calyx
5-cleft, segments unequal, widely lanceolate, bluntish.
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