Mr. Wells’s Stork’s-bill.
P. Wellsianum, umbellis plurifloris, foliis inferioribus
cordatis quinquelobis obtusis inaequaliter dentatis
planis: superioribus trilobis incisisve acutis, caly-
cibus reflexis, tubo nectarifero calyce sesquilon-
Pelargonium Wellsianum. Colv. catal. ed. 2. p. 22.
col. 2.
Stem shrubby, erect, branched; branches spreading,
thickly clothed with long spreading villous hairs, as
are the petioles, peduncles, bractes, and calyx. Leaves
flat, cordate, thickly covered with hairs on both sides;
lower ones 5-lobed, obtuse, unequally toothed with
bluntish teeth, strongly nerved underneath; upper ones
sharply 3-lobed or incised, acute, deeply and sharply
toothed. Petioles flattened on the upper side and convex
on the lower, dilated at the base. Stipules cordate,
oblique, taper-pointed. Peduncles cylindrical, points
curved upwards. Umbels several-flowered. Involucre
of six unequal lanceolate acute bractes. Pedicles
short, curved upwards. Calyx 5-cleft, segments lanceolate,
acute, reflexed. Nectariferous tube about half
as long again as the calyx, flattened on both sides.
Petals 5, the two upper ones oblong, oblique at the
base, of a bright orangy scarlet, tinged and edged
with purple, with a large dark spot in the centre,
and numerous lines from the base that branch in
various directions; lower petals obovate, or broadly
spatulate, dependent, a little lighter than the upper
ones. Stamens 10, united at the base, seven bearing
anthers. Style long, flesh-coloured, slightly hairy at
the base and smooth upwards. Stigmas 5, purple, reflexed.