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Gay Stork’s-bill.
V. pulchrum, umbellis multifloris paniculatis, foliis re-
niformibus cartilagineo-dentatis mollibus multiner-
viis, stipulis latis cordatis acuminatis, tubo necta-
rifero calyce multo breviori.
Stem shrubby, branching; branches thickly covered
with short villous hairs, as is every other part of the
plant except the corolla. Leaves kidney-shaped,
slightly lobed, and toothed with numerous short brown
cartilaginous teeth which gradually diminish towards
the base; very soft to the touch; nerves numerous,
prominent, much branched. Petioles a little longer
than the leaf, widely flattened and channeled on the
upper side, and convex on the lower. Stipules broadly
cordate, ciliate, and ending in an acute point. Peduncles
panicled, corymbiform ; umbels many-flowered.
Involucre of several concave, lanceolate, acute bractes,
joined at the base. Calyx 5-cleft, segments lanceolate*
acute, spreading or slightly recurved. Nectariferous
tube much shorter than the calyx, flattened on both
sides, and ridged at the back. Petals 5, the two uppermost
obovate, oblique, of a pale rose colour, with a
dark purple spot in the centre, and numerous lines of
the same colour which branch in all directions ; lower
ones oblong, obtuse, of a pale blush or nearly white,
and marked from the base to the middle with 4 faint
red lines. Filaments 10, united at the base, 7 only
bearing anthers, and these were all imperfect in our
specimens. Germen villous. Style red, hairy on the
lower part and smooth on the upper. Stigmas 5 of
the same colour, revolute.