PELARGONIUM asperifolium.
Rough-leaved Stork’s-hill.
P. asperifolium, umbellis subquinquefloris, foliis cor-
datis profunde lobatis acute serratis utrinque hirtis,
* calycibus reflexis, tubo nectarifero ealyce sesqui-
Geranium asperifolium. Andrews s geran. c.ic.
Stem shrubby, branching; branches flexuose, thickly
clothed with short unequal villous hairs. Leaves
cordate, deeply lobed, -roughish, hairy on both sides;
lobes from 5 to 9, acute, sharply serrate with reddish
brown edges. Petioles often longer than the leaf,
flattened on the upper side and convex on the lower, a
little swollen at the base,. thickly clothed with short
unequal hairs, as are the peduncles, pedicles, and calyx.
Stipules broadly lanceolate, acute, widened at the base,
fringed. Peduncles cylindrical, 4 or 5-flowered. Involucre
of 6 short, ovate, fringed, imbricate bractes,
which terminate abruptly in a sharp point. Pedicles
about the length or a little longer than the nectariferous
tube. Calyx 5-cleft, segments lanceolate, acute,
the upper one widest, erect, the others reflexed. Nectariferous
tube about half as long again as the calyx,
flattened and furrowed on each side. Petals 5, the
two upper ones roundly obovate with long ungues, of
a pale rose-colour, marked at the base with purplish
lines that are slightly branched: lower petals oblong
or narrowly obovate, obtuse, of rather a lighter colour.
Filaments 10, united at the base, seven bearing anthers.
Pollen orange-coloured. Style red, hairy on
the lower part and smooth upwards. Stigmas 5,
purple, reflexed,
von. n . T