PELARGONIUM intertextum.
Interwoven Stork’s-bill.
P. intertextum, scapo diviso subpaniculato, umbellis
multifloris, foliis ovatis obtusis simplicibus laci-
niatis ternatisque insequaliter dentatis utrinque
pilosis, petalis distinctis patentibus reticulato-ve-
Root tuberous. Stem very short. Leaves variable,
scarcely two alike, roundly ovate, obtuse, simple, jagged
or ternate, unequally and deeply notched, with
blunt rounded teeth, strongly veined underneath, hairy
on both sides. Petioles unequal in length, a little
flattened on the upper side and rounded on the lower,
thickly clothed with long villous hairs, as is every
other part of the plant except the corolla. Stipules
lanceolate, taper-pointed, fringed. Scape leafy, branching.
Peduncles widely spreading. Umbels many-flowered.
Involucre of numerous unequal bractes, some lanceolate,
others linear, acute. Pedicles very short. Calyx
5-cleft, segments unequal, lanceolate, bluntish. Nectariferous
tube about half as long again as the calyx,
flattened on each side, nearly sessile. Petals 5, small,
distinct at the base, spreading, of a bright scarlet,
reticulately veined with black veins. Filaments 10,
united into a tube, seven bearing anthers, which in our
specimens were always imperfect. Germen villous.
Style short, very hairy. Stigmas 5, reflexed.
This elegant flowering plant is of hybrid origin,
and was raised in the superb collection of Robert H.
Jenkinson, Esq. from a seed of P.fulgidum that had
been fertilized by the pollen of Hoarea reticulata. Its
elegance of growth, and abundance of bloom, which
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