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ERODIUM Gussonii.
Gussone’s Heron’s-hilL
E. Gussonii, umbellis plurifloris, foliis cordatis lobatis
crenulatis mollissime tomentosis: caule petiolis
pedunculisque villosissimis; pilis reflexis, stipulis
maximis scariosis.
Erodium Gussqnii. Tmoréprodr,jl.neap. p. 39. Botan.
magaz. 2445.
Erodium Gussoni. Flor. neap. p. 97. t. 63. Tenoré
hort. reg. neap. p. 38.
Erodium Goussoni. Link enum. 2. p. 185.
Permnial. Herbaceous. Stems ascending, thickly
clothed with reflexed hairs. Leaves cordate, ovate*
bluntly rounded, entire, 3 to 5-lobed, crenulate, softly
tomentose, the sinuses of the bottom ones overlapping
at the base: lobes bluntly rounded. Petioles m
thick, slightly flattened and furrowed on the upper
side and rounded on the lower, thickly clothed Vith
white reflexed villous hairs. Stipules large, red, membranaceous,
scariose, bluntly rounded. Peduncles longer
than the leaves, thickly clothed with reflexed villous
hairs. Umbels several-flowered. Involucre of 2 o r'3
large concave, cordate, membranaceous, scariose
bractes. Pedicles long and slender, clothed with short
white hairs. - Calyx of 5 sepals, which are unequal
oblong, concave, plaited or channelled, blunt but
terminated with a short rigid arista inserted a" little
below the point. Petals 5, unequal in size, nearly
double the length of the calyx, the lowermost rather
largest, a little wrinkled, of a rosy purple, the two
upper ones marked a little above the base with a large