PELARGONIUM platypetalon.
Broad-petaled Stork’s-hill.
P. platypetalon, umbellis plurifloris, foliis inferioribus
cordatis obsolète lobatis inæqualiter dentatis hir-
sutis ; superioribus basi cuneatis, petalis omnibus
rotundato-obovatis ; superioribus reflexis, tubo nec-
tarifero calyce duplo breviori.
«. rigidum, foliis rîgidioribus, petalis latioribus: superioribus
macula magna atropurpurea et striis
ramosis pictis. Fig. a.
Pélargonium Oldenburghj major. Hoare geran. p. 28.
12. hirsutum, foliis latioribus magis hirsutis, petalis mi
noribus maculis et striis obscurioribus. Fig. b.
Qldenburgh Géranium, Hortulanorum.
Stem shrubby, branching; branches erect, thickly
covered with soft villous hairs. Lower leaves cordate,
slightly lobed, unequally toothed; teeth ending in a
blunt callous point: upper leaves wedge-shaped at the
base, all slightly hairy. Petioles shorter than the leaf,
flattened and channelled on the upper side and convex
on the lower, thickly clothed with soft villous hairs, as
are the stipules, peduncles, involucre and calyx. Stipules
cordate, acute, often deeply cloven at the point, generally
toothed and ciliate. Peduncles solitary, either
axillary or opposite to the leaf, 3 to 5 flowered. Involucre
of several lanceolate acute fringed bractes. Pedicles
unequal in length, of a reddish brown colour.
Calyx 5-cleft, segments erect, unequal, lanceolate, acute,
strongly nerved. Nectariferous tube about half the
length of the calyx, slightly flattened on both sides