PELARGONIUM viscosissimum.
Viscous Stork’s-bill.
P. viscosissimum, umbellis capitatis multifloris, foliis
palmatis 5-7 lobatisve viscosis; segmentis planis
sinuatis dentatisve apice vecurvis, caule viscosissimo,
petalis oblongis obtusis, calycibus obtusissimis, tubo
nectarifero subsessili calyce parum longiori.
Stem shrubby, erect, branching; branches very long,
and thickly covered with a shining viscous substance
which sticks to the fingers like birdlime. Leaves pal-
mately 5 or 7-lobed, clammy, segments very long,
lanceolate, flat, sinuate and bluntly toothed, apices
recurved; lower segments divided. Petioles nearly
cylindrical, much swollen at the base and covered with
short stiff pellucid hairs. Stipules narrowly lanceolate,
taper-pointed, recurved. Peduncles swollen at the
base, thickly covered with short white hairs. Involucre
of about 6 cordately ovate concave bractes. Calyx 5-
cleft, segments unequal, orbicularly obovate, concave,
very blunt, points incurved. Nectariferous tube nearly
sessile, flattened and furrowed on each side, gradually
tapering downwards, a little longer than the calyx.
Petals 5, oblong, obtuse, nearly equal, lilac or white,
the two upper ones are each marked with two red lines
from the base which are slightly branched. Filaments
10, united at the base, 7 bearing anthers. Pollen
orange-coloured. German villous. Style pale flesh-
coloured, slightly hairy on the lower part and smooth
on the upper. Stigmas 5, flesh-coloured, reflexed.
We have no doubt but this curious plant is a distinct
species, as we have seen a great number of them
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