HOAREA carinata.
Boat-Jlowered Hoarea.
A. carinata, acaulis, scapo diviso, umbellis pagitatis
rnne-pstis denressis, flonbus nutantibus, toms di
• M B i S B S foliolis pmnatiMo-tainians mul-
tifidis subdentatis, petalis supenonbus refractis,
inferioribus concavis conniventibus.
Pelargonium carinatum. Wendl. collect, c. ic.
Pelargonium rapaceum: var. lutea. Botan. magaz.
Geranium selinum, fiavum. Andrews's geran. exclus.
foliis. _____ '
Root tuberous, carrot-like, branching out into numerous
other tubers. Stem none. Leaves very long,
lioinnate thickly clothed with long woolly hairs:
elflets pinnatifid or laciniate; segments divided or
nmetirnes simple, entire or toothed, bluntish. Petioles
flattened on the upper side and convex on the
ower widened at the base, thickly clothed with woolly
'Dreading hairs. Stipules lanceolate, taper-pointed,
pined to the base of the petioles. Scape divided a
little above the base. Peduncles iQng, many-flowered,
clothed with long spreading hairs. Umbels compact,
forming a close depressed head with its nodding flowers.
Involucre of numerous subulate, fringed
5-cleft, segments lanceolate, all reflexed. Nectariferous
tube curved downwards, flattened on each side,
about twice the length of the calyx. Petals 5, of a
light yellow colour, the two upper O'Ms SphtUiate, oorri
cave, bent back from about the middle like rabbits
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