PELARGONIUM Tibbitsianum.
Mr. Tibhits’ Stork’s-bill.
P. Tibbitsianum, umbellis plurifloris, folils inferioribus
cordatis trilobis undulatis insequaliter grosseque
dentatis : superioribus planis cuneatis, stipulis lan-
ceolatis subdentatis, bracteis pedicellis iongioribus,
tubo nectarifero calyce parum longiori.
Stem shrubby, branching ; branches thickly clothed
with long soft villous hairs, as are the petioles, peduncles,
and calyx. Leaves cordate, slightly 3-lobed,
undulate, unequally and sharply toothed, thickly clothed
on both sides with soft villous hairs ; leaves' on the
flowering branches wedge-shaped at the base, rigidly
and sharply toothed. Petioles widely flattened and
furrowed on the upper side and convex on the lower,
widened at the base. Stipules broad lanceolate, acute,
fringed, sometimes toothed, some nearly cordate. Peduncles
cylindrical, several-flowered. Involucre of six
elliptically lanceolate, acute, fringed: bractes, that are
longer than the pedicles. Calyx 5-cleft, segments long,
lanceolate, acute, reflexed. Nectariferous tube a little
longer than the calyx, much flattened and furrowed on
each side. Petals 5, the two upper ones roundly ovate,
oblique, of a bright pink inclining to scarlet, with a
large velvetty spot in the centre, and below it are numerous
purple lines: lower petals oblong, obtuse, of
rather a lighter colour. Filaments 10, united at the
base, seven bearing anthers. Pollen orange-coloured.
Style pale, quite smooth and shining. Stigmas 5,
purple, reflexed.
The present magnificent plant is of hybrid origin,
and is the largest flowering kind of the bright reds
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