Cream-coloured Stork’s-bill.
P. pallens, umbellis plurifloris, scapo ramoso, foliis
tripartitis pilosis ; segmentis lateralibus minoribus
lobato-dentatis : terminalibus elongatis inciso-den-
tatis, petalis patentibus, caule suffruticoso carnoso
Geranium pallens. Andrews's geran. c. ic.
Stem suffruticose, short and succulent,, branched:
branches decumbent and swollen at irregular distances.
Leaves deeply 3-parted, hairy : lower segments small,
divaricate, sometimes lobed, unequally toothed ; upper
one elongated, obovate, unequally cut and toothed
teeth terminated with a small arista. Petioles slender
slightly flattened on the upper side and rounded on the
lower, widened at the base, thinly clothed with long
white horizontal hairs, as are the peduncles, calyx, and
nectariferous tube. Stipules joined to the base of the
petioles, widely lanceolate, taper-pointed, and generally
forked. Scape branching and leafy at the base of the
peduncles. Peduncles cylindrical, a little bent upwards,
several-flowered. Involucre of several bractes,
which are lanceolate, acute, and fringed. Calyx 5-cleft*
segments lanceolate, acute, fringed; the upper one
erect, the others reflexed or revolute. Nectariferous
tube sessile, very long, but unequal in length, four or
five times as long as the calyx, much flattened and furrowed
on each side. Petals 5, spreading, of a pale
cream-colour, the two upper ones obovate, emarginate,
slightly reflexed, lower ones spatulate. Filaments 10,’
slightly united at the base, 7 bearing anthers, the two
upper ones very short, nearly sessile, three about half