Our drawing and description of this pretty plant
were taken from a fine specimen sent to us by Sir R. C.
Hoare, who raised it from seed. It is a hybrid production,
and is nearly related to P.Jioridum and P. striatum.
All the flowers on our specimens had imperfect
anthers, consequently the flowers were not so large as
if the anthers had been perfect. We suspect it will
bear fertile anthers next season, particularly if it be
grown in stronger soil; we may then expect to see its
flowers much larger, and the lower petals to lose their
red stripes, in the same manner as its near relative
P. striatum. The soil that we would recommend for it
is a mixture of light turfy loam and peat. Cuttings
root freely, planted in pots in the same kind of soil,
if placed in a sheltered situation.