base, 7 bearing anthers. Style purple, very long, hairy
at the base and smooth upwards. Stigmas 5, purple,
We suspect this plant to be a hybrid production,
probably between P. acerifolium and P. lanceolatum.
It has been long in the collections about London, where
it has generally been taken for a real species. It is
now becoming rather scarce through the rage for novelty,
and we were afraid that it had quite disappeared
till we saw it in the collection of Robert H. Jenkirason,
Esq. where our drawing was taken. It is a pretty
flowering plant and more hardy than P. principissce.
It thrives well in a mixture of turfy loam, peat, and
sand, or any other rich light soil; and cuttings root
freely if planted in pots and placed in a sheltered situation.