Nutmeg-scented Stork’s-bill.
V. fragrans, pedunculis multifloris subpaniculatis, foliis
subrotundo-cordatis subtrilobis obtuse dentatis
mollissimis, caule erecto fruticoso; ramis divari-
cato-deflexis, petalis superioribus minoribus, tubo
nectarifero calyce sesquilongiori.
Pelargonium fragrans. Willd. Hort. Ber. 2. t. 77.
Enum. 2. p. 701. Hort. sub. lond. 151. Link
enum. 2. p. 187.
Geranium odoratissimum, erectum. Andrews's Geran.
c. ic.
Stem shrubby, erect, covered with a brown scaly
bark, very much branched; branches spreading, often
bent downwards, occasioned by the weight of the numerous
leaves and flowers, thickly clothed with a short
mealy pubescence. Leaves roundly cordate, generally
3-lobed, bluntly toothed or crenate, strongly veined
underneath, densely clothed with a soft short mealy
pubescence. Petioles longer than the leaves, widest at
the base and gradually tapering upwards ; flattened on
the upper side and convex on the lower, thickly clothed
with a dense mealy pubescence, as are the peduncles
and calyx. Stipules cordate, acute, ciliate. Peduncles
generally in panicles, cylindrical, bearing umbels of
many flowers. Involucre of numerous unequal, ovate
or lanceolate, acute, keeled bractes. Pedicles unequal,
some about the length of the nectariferous
tube, others much shorter. Calyx 5-cleft, segments
broadly lanceolate, acute, upper segment erect, the
others reflexed. Nectariferous tube about half as long-
again as the calyx, flattened on each side and gibbous