HOAREA violaeflora.
Wkite Violet-flowered, Hoarea.
H. violaflora, subcaulescens, umbella composita, foliis
pinnatifidis ternatisve: segmentis oblongo-lanceo-
latis glabris integerrimis margine ciliatis: inferi-
oribus bifidis, petiolis hispidis, petalis concoloribus
reflexis inferioribus multo minoribus.
Root tuberous. Stem short and stiff with a scaly
bark. Leaves pinnatifid or sometimes ternate, segments
oblongly lanceolate, smooth with entire ciliated
margins, lower ones bifid. Petioles hispid. Stipules
lanceolately subulate, joined to the base of the petioles.
Scape branching. Peduncles long and slender, cylindrical,
clothed with soft unequal hairs. Umbels many-
flowered. Involucre of several linearly subulate bractes.
Calyx 5-cleft, segments lanceolate, the upper one
largest, erect, the others reflexed. Nectariferous tube
sessile, a little flattened on each side and longer than
the calyx. Petals 5, spatulate, reflexed, all of a pure
white, the two upper ones much larger than the lower
ones, which are scarcely longer than the calyx,
with long slender ungues. Filaments 10, united at
the base, 5 bearing anthers, the lower one about half
the length of the others. Pollen pale yellow. Germen
villous. Style short, smooth. Stigmas 5, pale red,
This curious little plant is a native of the Cape,
from whence it was received last year by Messrs. Col-
vill, at whose Nursery our drawing was made in. May
last. With the present plant was imported another
species very similar to it in flower, but of much smaller
growth and very different foliage. Another root, that