D1MACRIA sulphurea.
Sulphur-coloured Dimacria.
D. sulphurea, acaulis, umbella composita, foliis pin-
natis; foliolis oppositis alternisque 2-3natis 2-3fidis-
que: segmentis oblongo-lanceolatis dentatis acuti-
usculis, petalis concavis: superioribus refractis, in-
ferioribus patentibus.
Root tuberous, branching a little below the crown.
Stem none. Leaves erect, pinnate ; leaflets opposite
or alternate, either binate, ternate, or 2 to 3 cleft,
thickly clothed with soft white hairs: segments oblong
or lanceolate, deeply but unequally toothed, bluntish
but ending abruptly in an acute point. Petioles flattened
and furrowed on the upper side and convex on
the lower, thickly covered with long white unequal
hairs, as are the peduncles, calyx, and nectariferous
tube. Stipules very long, joined to the base of the
footstalks, points subulate and fringed. Scape branching,
leafy at the base of the peduncles. Peduncles
cylindrical, bearing many-flowered umbels, which
spread in a radiate form. Involucre of numerous subulate
fringed bractes. Calyx 5-cleft, segments lanceolate,
reflexed. Nectariferous tube sessile, more
than twice the length of the calyx, flattened and furrowed
on each side. Petals 5, concave, of a bright
sulphur-colour, the two upper ones connivent at the
base, with spreading points and reflexed about the
middle ; just above that is a bright red spot, and below
it are numerous short irregular purple lines. Fi’laments
10, connected at the base, five bearing anthers ;
the two lower ones much the longest, the upper one
very short: barren filaments short, erect, and subulate.