joins 2 lines from the base that are slightly branched;
lower ones broadly ligulate or spathulate, of a lighter
colour. Filaments 10, united at the base, 7 bearing
anthers. Pollen orange-coloured. Gerrnen villous.
Style red, very hairy. Stigmas 5, purple, revolute.
This handsome plant is also of hybrid origin, and was
raised from seed by Sir R. C. Hoare, who has named it
in compliment to his friend A. B. Lambert, Esq. and
from a fine plant communicated to us from Sir Richard’s
superb collection, our drawing and description
were taken. It seems to be allied to _P. acerijolium,
scabrum, or some of that group; but it is impossible
to trace its origin with certainty. It makes a pretty
compact bush, and flowers abundantly for the greater
part of the year; it also differs considerably from
most others in habit, which makes it desirable. The
best soil for it is a mixture of rather more than half
light turfy loam, and peat or decayed leaves. Cuttings
root freely planted in pots in the same kind of
soil if placed in a sheltered situation.