DIMACRIA bipartita.
Forked-leaved Dimacria.
D. bipartita, acaulis, umbella composita, foliis pinnatis
pilosis: foliolis oppositis verticillatisque oblongo-
lanceolatis bipartitis integrisque, petalis superi-
oribus refractis basi maculatis, tubo neetaritero
recurvo calyce duplo longiori.
Root tuberous. Stem none. Leaves spreading,
pinnate, hairy on both sides, of a light green colour:
leaflets opposite or in whorls, oblong or lanceolate,
bluntish, some entire, others forked but not toothed.
Petioles slender, slightly flattened on the upper side
and rounded on the lower, thickly clothed with soft
woolly hairs, as are the peduncles, calyx, and nectariferous
tube. Stipules subulately linear, joined to the
base of the petioles. Peduncles long and slender,
bearing umbels of many flowers, which spread in a radiate
form. Involucre of numerous subulate fringed
bractes.- Calyx 5-cleft, segments lanceolate, acute,
concave, all reflexed. Nectariferous tube more than
double the length of the calyx, flattened and slightly
furrowed on each side and curved downwards. Petals
5, pale cream-coloured, the two uppermost spatulate,
connivent at the base, with spreading points, from
about the middle reflexed, and below that are numerous
unequal purple spots and lines: lower petals ligu-
late, spreading. Filaments 10, united at the base, 5
only bearing anthers, the two lower ones much longer
than the others. Style red, quite smooth. Stigmas 5,
This neat little plant is a hybrid production, and
was raised last year at the Nursery of Mr. Colvill, from
m 2