PELARGONIUM spectabile.
Showy Stork’s-bill.
P. spectabile, umbellis multifloris, foliis cordatis sub-
lobatis undulatis insequaliter grosseque dentatis
rigidis, stipulis cordatis acutis subdentatis, caule
pedunculis calycibusque villosis, bracteis ciliatis
pedicellis longioribus.
a. maculatum, floribus majoribus, petalis superioribus
undulatis erectis, maculis magnis atropurpureis.
Supra Jig. 1.
(3. atrorubens, petalis superioribus erectis atrorubenti-
bus, maculis minoribus et striis ramosis atropur-
reis pictis. r
y. striatum, petalis superioribus erectis pallidioribus
striis numerosis ramosis atropurpureis pictis. Sunrh
fig - 2.
1. recurvum, petalis superioribus recurvis, maculis et
striis atropurpureis pictis. Supra Jig. 3.
Stem shrubby, erect, branching; branches thickly
covered with long villous hairs, as are the petioles
peduncles, and calyx. Leaves cordate, undulate, rigidly
and deeply toothed with sharp unequal teeth
covered on both sides with short downy hairs; lower
ones slightly lobed, upper ones more deeply and sharply
lobed. Petioles widely flattened and furrowed on the
upper side and convex on the lower, widened at the
apex. Stipules widely cordate, undulate, fringed, often
toothed and ending in an acute point. Peduncles cylindrical,
bent upwards, from 6 to 8-flowered. Involucre
of 6 to 8 ovate, keeled, acute, fringed bractes