jf. tty td ei/r /'/C Jfcafr /./tP-22.-
Delightful Stork’s-hilL
P. amcenum, subcaulescens, umbella composita, foliis
pinnatis canescentibus ; foliolis oppositis alternis-
que ovatis obtusis simplicibus bifidisve integerrimis
dentatisque, petalis patentibus, floribus 6-7andris.
Root tuberous. Stem subcaulescent, branching a
little, very leafy and succulent. Leaves spreading in
a radiate form, pinnate, towards the point pinnatifid
and clothed with short white soft hairs which give
them a hoary appearance; leaflets opposite or alternate,
ovate, obtuse, simple or bifid, or on some of the
upper leaves the lower leaflets are pinnatifid; segments
entire, 2 or 3 lobed or toothed. Petioles a little flattened
on the upper side and convex on the lower,
thickly clothed with short dose-pressed hairs. Stipules
lanceolate, taper-pointed, and joined to the base of
the petioles. Umbels compound, many-flowered. Scape
leafy at the base of the peduncles, thickly clothed with
soft white unequal hairs, as are the peduncles, calyx,
and nectariferous tube. Peduncles long and cylindrical.
Involucre of numerous unequal bractes, some
widely others narrowly lanceolate, taper-pointed and
ciliate. Calyx 5-cleft, segments unequal, lanceolate,
the upper one largest, erect, the others reflexed. Nectariferous
tube more than twice the length of the calyx,
flattened on both sides, a little gibbous at the base.
Petals 5, spreading, the two uppermost much the
largest, widely spatulate, of a bright salmon colour,
marked at the base with a few short dark lines, lower
ones much shorter, spatulate, of a lighter colour. Filaments
10, slightly united at the base, 6 or 7 bearing
anthers which are always perfect. Pollen yellow. Style
von. i i . g