PELARGONIUM hoareaeflorum.
Hoarea-Jlowered Stork’ s-hill.
P. hoareceflorum, subcaulescens, umbellis multifloris,
scapo ramoso, foliis pinnatis pilosis canescentibus :
foliolis alternis oppositisque pinnatifidis laciniatis-
que: segmentis cuneatis inciso-dentatis, petalis in-
feris concavis subconniventibus.
Root tuberous. Stem subcaulescent, very leafy and
succulent. Leaves spreading in a radiate form, pinnate,
and clothed on both sides with soft canescent
hairs, which give them a hoary appearance: leaflets
alternate or sometimes opposite, pinnatifid or laciniate,
segments cuneate, unequally and deeply cut and very
bluntly toothed. Petioles widely flattened on the upper
side and convex on the lower, dilated at the base,
thickly clothed with short villous hairs. Stipules lanceolate,
acute, joined to the base of the petioles. Scape
branching, leafy, thickly clothed with villous unequal
hairs, as are the peduncles, calyx, and nectariferous
tube. Umbels many-flowered, in some above twenty
flowers. Involucre of numerous narrowly lanceolate,
acute, fringed bractes. Pedicles unequal, some very
long and slender, others short and stiff". Calyx 5-cleft,
segments lanceolate, unequal; the upper one erect, the
others reflexed. Nectariferous tube unequal in length,
sometimes scarcely longer, at others nearly three times
as long as the calyx, a little curved and flattened on
each side. Petals 5, the two uppermost largest, widely
spatulate, reflexed, of a bright salmon-colour inclining
to scarlet, and marked at the base with numerous
branched lines, lower petals rather lighter, shorter,
and spatulate. Filaments 10, united at the base, seven