PELARGONIUM tripartitura.
Brittle-stalked Stork’s-bill.
P. tripartitum, umbellis plurifloris, foliis ternatis car-
nosis inciso-dentatis glaucescentibus: foliolis sub-
sessilibus cuneiforinibus; intermedio tripartite elon-
gato, tubo nectarifero scssili calyce triplo longiori.
Pelargonium tripartitum. tVillden. sp. pi. 3. p. 683.
Pers. syn. 2. p. 233. Hort. Keiv. ed. 2. vol. 4. p. 180.
Pelargonium trifidum. ' Jacq. hart. Schcenb. 2 n 5
t. 134. Fr *
Pelargonium fragile. Willden. sp. pi. 3. p. 686. Pers.
syn. 2. p. 233. Hort. Kew. ed. 2. v. 4. p. 181.
Geranium fragile. Andrews’s reposit. 37.
Stem shrubby, branching; branches flexuose, long
and slender, very brittle and easily broken, thickly
clothed with soft unequal hairs. Leaves glaucescent
ternate, fleshy, thickly clothed on both sides with small
pellucid hairs: leaflets nearly sessile, wedge-shaped,
unequally cut and toothed; middle one three-parted’
and longer than the side ones. Petioles unequal in
length, a little flattened on the upper side and rounded
on the lower. Stipules short, cordate, acute. Peduncles
several-flowered, cylindrical, hairy. Involucre of 4 or
5 ovate concave bractes, either entire or sometimes
toothed at the point. Calyx 5-cleft, segments very unequal
; sometimes toothed, strongly ribbed, upper one
ovate, the others varying from lanceolate to subulate.
Nectariferous 'tube sessile, flattened and channelled on
both sides, about three times as long as the calyx,
thickly covered with short hairs. Petals 5, the 2 up-