This beautiful plant is a hybrid production, and
was raised at the Nursery of Mr. Colvill, from a seed
of P. rubescens that was fertilized by the pollen of P.
ignescens. We have named it in compliment to Lady
Broughton, of Hoole, near Chester, a great admirer of,
and an extensive cultivator of Geraniacese and other
plants, and an encourager of botanical science.
The present subject is a very handsome-growing
plant, and continues to bloom all the summer and
till late in autumn: it also grows very freely, and appears
to be more hardy than most others to which it is
related. It thrives well in an equal mixture of turfy
loam, peat, and sand, and only requires watering when
quite diy. Cuttings of it strike root freely, if planted
in pots in the same kind of soil, and placed on a shelf
in the greenhouse.