villous. Style red, hairy on the lower and smooth on
the upper part. Stigmas 5, red, and revolute.
Our drawing of this plant was taken from some
fine flowering specimens sent to us from the collection
at Castle Ashby, belonging to the Marchioness of
Northampton, and we have named it in compliment to
that Lady. We believe it to be a hybrid production, and
it is allied to P. obtusilobum (known in collections by
the name of P. tricuspidatum rubrumj, from the seed
of which it was raised, three or four years ago, as we
are informed, by Mr. J. West, the gardener. He also
informs us, that the plant is a slender grower, an
abundant bloomer, and flowers very early in the spring.
It will thrive well in a mixture of light turfy loam and
peat, or any light vegetable mould; and cuttings will
strike root readily if planted in pots and placed, in a
sheltered situation.