PELARGONIUM principissae.
Princess Charlotte’s Stork’s-hill.
P. principissae, umbellis plurifloris, foliis cordato-renifor-
aaiibus sublobatis insequaliter mucronato-dentatis
stipulis acuminatis, petalis rotundato-obovatis im-
bricatis reflexis, tubo nectarifero brevissimo calyce
triple breviori.
Pelargonium princeps. Nob. in Colv. Catal. p. 22. cot. 1.
Stem shrubby, erect, branching ; branches erect, of
a shining green colour, thickly clothed with soft white
unequal horizontal hairs. Leaves cordately reniform,
slightly lobed, unequally and deeply toothed, with
sharp-pointed teeth ; of a dark green colour and hairy
on both sides. Petioles about the length of the leaf,
hairy. Stipules narrowly lanceolate, fringed, and
taper-pointed. Peduncles several-flowered, hairy, as
are the. bractes, pedicles, and calyx. Involucre of 6 or
7 bractes : bractes lanceolate, keeled, ciliate, with very
sharp points. Pedicles long and slender, bent upwards,
about twice the length of the calyx. Calyx 5-cleft,
segments unequal, lanceolate, erect. Nectariferous
tube very short, about three times shorter than the
calyx, blunt, and flattened on each side. Petals 5,
roundly obovate, imbricate, reflexed, the two uppermost
widest, of a dark lilac colour, with a dark vel-
vetty spot in the centre, and from the base branch
numerous lines of the same colour in all directions;
lower petals of a lighter colour, marked with pale
lines. Filaments 10, connected at the base, 7 bearing
anthers. Pollen russet-coloured. Style smooth, red.
Stigmtas very short, recurved.