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PELARGONIUM Blandfordianum.
Hoary-leaved Stork’s-hill.
P. Blandfordianum, umbellis multifloris, foliis pal-
mato-septemlobatis; segmentis pinnatifido-incisis
obtuse dentatis planis canescentibus, petalis supe-
rioribus obcordatis, tubo nectarifero longitudine
Pelargonium Blandfordianum. Nob. in Colv: Catal.
p. 22. col. 2.
Pelargonium candidum. Hort. sub. lond. p. 152.
n. 135.
Geranium Blandfordium. Andrews's geran. c. ic.
Stem shrubby, branching, swelled at the joints;
branches roughish, thickly clothed with a close-pressed
white powdery pubescence, as ai'e the leaves, peduncles,
and calyx. Leaves flat, palmately 7-lobed ; lower segments
deeply lobed or pinnatifid, upper ones more
slightly lobed, all bluntly toothed, strong-scented.
Petioles flattened and furrowed on the upper side and
convex on the lower, a little swollen at the base. Stipules
cordate, acute, ciliate. Peduncles cylindrical,
swollen at the base. Umbels many-flowered. Involucre
of 6 or 7 widely lanceolate, concave bractes.
Pedicles longer than the nectariferous tube. Calyx 5-
cleft, segments lanceolate, erect, bluntish. Nectariferous
tube about the length of the calyx, flattened and
furrowed on both sides. Petals 5, the 2 upper ones
obcordate, white or pale blush, marked in the centre
with 2 red confluent spots, and below that are other
purplish marks; lower petals widely ligulate, white or
pale blush. Filaments 10, united at the base, 7 bear